[English after Spanish] [ Download a printable copy - Descargue para imprimir ] Boletín 09 – noviembre 2019 Comenzamos esta publicación, agradeciendo a todos los que están orando por la difícil situación que está enfrentando Chile. Al hablar con nuestros familiares allá y con nuestra iglesia enviadora , nos damos cuenta de la gravedad de los hechos. Oramos para que Dios tenga misericordia de nuestro país y Chile vuelva sus ojos a Cristo. Hoy, más que nunca, debemos orar por las autoridades y nuestros hermanos alrededor del mundo. Vemos con tristeza, cómo el mundo va de mal en peor; "Pero nosotros esperamos, según sus promesas, cielos nuevos y tierra nueva, en los cuales mora la justicia" 2 Pedro 3:13 Aún en medio de todo el caos político y social, agradecemos a Dios por todas las oportunidades de servirle que nos ha dado durante estos 11 meses en Ecuador. Sin duda, nosotros hemos sido tremendamente bendecidos al enseñar y compartir con...
Pray for Chile Dear brothers, we want to ask for your prayers for everything that is happening in Chile recently. We are very sad seeing how our country experience violent protests and social insecurity. We pray for our families, our church, and also our brothers and friends. During these days, we have talked to many of them and they are very afraid because the crisis that is taking place. Anita has two brothers that we don´t know about since last week when the street protest began. Our family in Chile are looking for them. We hope to hear from them soon. Please pray for Hector and Gonzalo. We ask that you be praying for our children Tiare and Ethan, because all these situation has been very difficult for them. Firstable We experienced 12 days of violent protests in Ecuador about two weeks ego; and now we see violent protest in Chile that are about for five days by now. Pray for their hearts so they be encouraged and trust in God. We know that God is in control and w...