Pray for Chile

Anita has two brothers that we don´t know about since last week when the street protest began. Our family in Chile are looking for them. We hope to hear from them soon. Please pray for Hector and Gonzalo.
We ask that you be praying for our children Tiare and Ethan, because all these situation has been very difficult for them. Firstable We experienced 12 days of violent protests in Ecuador about two weeks ego; and now we see violent protest in Chile that are about for five days by now. Pray for their hearts so they be encouraged and trust in God. We know that God is in control and we rest in His graciously hands. Please continue to pray for Ecuador and Chile. Thank you for your prayers and your support.
May God bless your lives.
In Christ
David, Anita, Tiare e Ethan Luzuriaga
Hebreos 6:10
Oremos por Chile

Hay dos hermanos de Anita, de los cuales no sabemos nada, desde los días en que comenzaron los disturbios en el país. La familia en Chile está buscándolos por diferentes lugares y esperamos pronto tener algunas noticias de ellos. Por favor oren por ellos (Héctor y Gonzalo).
Oren por nuestros hijos, ya que para ellos ha sido fuerte enfrentar, primeramente, 12 días de violentas protestas en Ecuador y ahora las violentas jornadas en Chile. Oren por sus corazones y su ánimo. Sabemos que Dios está en control y descansamos en su paz.
Continúen orando por Ecuador y Chile. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo. Que Dios sea bendiciendo sus vidas.
En Cristo
David, Anita, Tiare e Ethan Luzuriaga
Hebreos 6:10
Our missionary agency is Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc.
Palm Missionary Ministries has been a member of the
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 2001.

Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc.
203 Long Lake Rd.
Hawthorne, FL 32640
Designate your donation for the Luzuriaga Ministry